Corona and the reasons of its hotness ;)

4 min readMay 18, 2024


Heyaa! It's great to see you all on this new blog. Recently, I discovered this pretty interesting thing while studying fluid dynamics: Did you know the Corona is hotter than the photosphere, though it’s farther from the core than the latter?

Interesting no?

Yes, it is indeed fascinating! The high temperature of the solar corona compared to the photosphere, despite its greater distance from the core, is due to a phenomenon known as coronal heating. Coronal heating is a complex process that is still not fully understood. Scientists have proposed several theories to explain this discrepancy. One theory suggests that magnetic reconnection, the process by which magnetic field lines break and reconnect, is crucial in heating the corona. Magnetic reconnection in the corona releases large amounts of energy, resulting in extreme temperatures and the ionization of gas particles.

Another theory suggests that wave heating, where waves travelling through the sun’s atmosphere transfer energy and heat to the corona, is responsible for the high temperatures observed in the corona. These theories, along with observations and modelling, have allowed scientists to make significant progress in understanding the heating mechanisms of the solar corona. Furthermore, the discovery of highly ionized iron in the corona has shed light on the composition of this region.

Wait, Corona doesn’t stop to make us jealous here! Did you know that the corona is not just hotter than the photosphere but also expands to higher altitudes in the Earth’s atmosphere?

Yes, that’s correct! The corona extends far beyond the photosphere, reaching heights of millions of kilometres in the Earth’s atmosphere. This expansion is due to the corona's high temperature and intense energy. These factors cause the corona to expand and create the distinctive outer atmosphere of the sun. Additionally, the corona plays a crucial role in shaping the solar system's space environment. It influences the behaviour of charged particles and the solar wind, which can significantly affect Earth’s magnetosphere and space weather. This expansion of the corona to higher altitudes is a fascinating phenomenon that highlights the dynamic nature of our Sun and its impact on our solar system. Yes, it is truly remarkable how the corona’s hotness and expansion play vital roles in shaping our space environment and impacting various processes on Earth, such as space weather. The hotness of the corona and its expansion contribute to the understanding of solar cycle predictability and the formation of atmospheric hot extremes (Bhowmik et al., 2023).

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Well, that’s not it, dear! Did you know that Corona is very rare despite its sizzling hotness?

Despite its high temperature, the solar corona is much less dense than the photosphere. This is because the corona comprises extremely hot, ionized gas. The high temperature causes the gas particles in the corona to gain a significant amount of energy, leading to their moving at much higher speeds than the particles in the photosphere. These high speeds and energies make the particles more prone to escaping the sun's gravitational pull, resulting in a lower density in the corona. In addition, the low density of the corona allows for the expansion of its outer layers into what is known as the solar wind. This solar wind carries charged particles, magnetic fields, and energy throughout the solar system and interacts with the planets, including Earth. The corona’s low density, combined with its sizzling hotness and expansion, contributes to its unique characteristics and impact on our space environment and weather patterns.

Footnotes: The tidbits you thought were scary but aren’t!

Magnetic reconnection is when magnetic field lines break and reconnect, releasing large amounts of energy. The physical characteristics of the corona, such as its expansion to higher altitudes and low density, are influenced by various factors, including magnetic fields, solar wind, and the dynamics of the sun’s atmosphere. One of the reasons for the hotness of the corona is magnetic reconnection (Li et al., 2021).

Reconnection of field lines

Space Weather Influence: The corona’s hotness and expansion are crucial in shaping space weather. The release of energy during magnetic reconnection in the corona can lead to solar flares and coronal mass ejections, sending charged particles and magnetic fields into space. These space weather events can significantly impact satellite communications, power grids, and astronaut safety in space. The hotness of the corona, despite its low density, is primarily due to the extreme temperatures and ionization of the gas particles. The high temperature of the corona is primarily due to the extreme temperatures and ionization of the gas particles. In addition, the corona’s hotness and expansion also have implications for our terrestrial environment.

The recent Aurora in Western countries can be attributed, in part, to the influence of the corona. Corona discharge plays a significant role in rain enhancement, as it induces atmospheric air ionization that modifies natural rainfall. The hotness of the corona can be attributed to several factors.

That's it for today! Meet you all in my next blog. Till then,

Bye! Take Care❤




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