Why do solar quakes need to be studied?

4 min readMay 24, 2024


A geeky outline to solar quake understanding!

Solar quakes need to be studied because they play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics and behaviour of the sun, which directly impacts Earth and our technological infrastructure. Studying solar quakes allows scientists to understand better the processes and mechanisms within the sun, such as releasing energy through magnetic waves. This knowledge is essential for predicting and mitigating the effects of solar activity on Earth, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Additionally, studying solar quakes can provide insights into the sun's internal structure and help improve our understanding of stellar evolution.

One of the primary reasons why solar quakes need to be studied is their potential impact on Earth’s technological systems. Before we get more geeky, let’s understand a few things!

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

What do we mean by coronal mass ejection?

A coronal mass ejection is a massive eruption of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun’s corona into space. Before we delve into the details of coronal mass ejections, let’s start by understanding the corona. Corona, as the word suggests, comes from the crown, and in the context of the sun, it refers to the outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere. The corona is a region of extremely hot and ionized gases, with temperatures reaching millions of degrees Celsius. During a coronal mass ejection, huge amounts of plasma and magnetic fields are ejected from the corona and propelled into space at high speeds (Shi et al., 2020). These ejections can contain billions of tons of material and travel up to several million miles per hour. Coronal mass ejections result from the magnetic activity on the sun’s surface (Borovsky, 2022). The sun’s magnetic field can become twisted and distorted, causing the release of built-up energy in the form of a coronal mass ejection. These ejections can have a significant impact on Earth and the space environment around it (Shi et al., 2020). They can cause disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere, leading to geomagnetic storms and disruptions in satellite communications, power grids, and navigation systems. Coronal mass ejections can also lead to the formation of intense auroras, known as geomagnetic storms, in regions closer to the poles.

Photo by Thomas Willmott on Unsplash

Spectroscopic Observations of the solar corona and plasma ejections provide crucial information about the physical properties of these phenomena. By analyzing the emission and absorption spectra of the solar corona and coronal mass ejections, scientists can determine the plasma's temperature, density, and composition.

These spectroscopic measurements have revealed that the plasma in the solar corona can reach temperatures of millions of degrees Celsius and that coronal mass ejections can carry a wide range of ionized elements, including hydrogen, helium, and heavier elements like iron and calcium.

Spectroscopic observations have also been used to study the dynamics of coronal mass ejections, such as the flow of plasma and the evolution of the magnetic field structure during the ejection process. (Green et al., 2018)

Spectroscopic observations play a vital role in studying coronal mass ejections (Kuridze et al., 2022). They allow scientists to analyze the plasma ejected's composition, temperature, and velocity during a coronal mass ejection. Spectroscopy involves measuring the different wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by the plasma, which can provide information about its physical properties.

Solar Rotation is vital in producing solar quakes and coronal mass ejections. The sun’s differential rotation, where the equatorial regions rotate faster than the polar regions, creates shear in the sun’s magnetic field. This shear can build up tension and energy in the magnetic field, which can ultimately be released through solar quakes and coronal mass ejections. (Shen et al., 2022)

Carrington rotation is a fundamental unit of time in solar physics, representing the time it takes for the sun to complete one full rotation as observed from Earth. (Wagner, n.d.) (Shen et al., 2022)

So, in short, yes! Solar quakes need to be studied to understand the internal dynamics of the sun and their connection to coronal mass ejections. They also influence space weather and can significantly impact Earth’s technological systems. In reference, the G5 storm (geomagnetic storm) faced by the world is currently predicted to have detrimental effects on power grids, satellite communications, and navigation systems around the globe.

So, further research into solar quakes and coronal mass ejections can improve our predictive capabilities and mitigate the impacts of these events. (Klimchuk, 2013)(Różański et al., 2013)














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